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Compare and Connect: How do we express individual and group identity through fashion? (Ready to Go Resource)

Ready-to-go resources are short, flexible learning activities that center art as texts. In “Compare and Connect” students use a guiding question to compare works of art within the context of a shared theme and produce brief writing examples. The activities are presented in google slide decks with teaching notes to make classroom implementation easy.

Samuel Fosso's Self Portrait (SM 18) and Burk Uzzle's Congregation Ladies

Guiding Question: How do we express individual and group identity through fashion?

Featuring Samuel Fosso’s Self Portrait (SM 18) and Burk Uzzle’s Congregation Ladies

Make your own copy! Check the slide notes for the teacher’s guide.


Total Activity Pacing: 30 minutes across 2 days

Grade(s): 9-12

Activity Overview:

  • In this Compare and Connect activity, students will compare 2 photographs and consider how we express our identities through fashion and style. 
  • In Day One: Discuss, students will discuss 2 photographs that emphasize the importance of fashion as self expression. 
  • In Day Two: Write, students will write an argument for/against standard mode of dress in schools that cites their discussion on day one.