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Meet the Art: Garden Parasol (Quick Tip)

Frederick Carl Frieseke, The Garden Parasol


Paintings can show places indoors or outdoors. This artist painted his wife sitting in their garden.

  • What is she doing?
  • What is on the table?
  • What do you think she and her friend will do in the garden?


On NCMALearn, look for other paintings of the outdoors. Find a picture of the land.

  • Is it flat or hilly?
  • Can you find a picture that shows water? Is it smooth or wavy? What color is the sky?
  • Are there clouds in the sky?
  • Do you see people in the scene? What are they doing?


What do you like to do when you play outside? At home, draw a picture of you and a friend playing outdoors. Give your picture a title.