Constelaciones IX SE (obra de arte)
Información sobre la obra de arte
Key Ideas
- Esta obra de arte presenta formas geométricas texturizadas sobre un fondo negro. Algunas de las piezas están doradas o cubiertas de oro. Las formas doradas incluyen puntos, remolinos, chevrones y otras formas más orgánicas (menos definidas).
- Viktor uses the colors black and gold symbolically in her work and combines alphabets and other forms of visual communication from ancient cultures, such as cuneiform writing from Mesopotamia, hieroglyphs from Egypt, and symbols used in Australian Indigenous art.
- Esta obra de arte muestra cómo algunos artistas africanos utilizan ideas del pasado para pensar en el futuro. Viktor invita a los espectadores a pensar en el simbolismo del color, tanto tradicional como más moderno, y a considerar lo que asocian con los colores negro y dorado.
Más información
Lina Iris Viktor is a Liberian British conceptual artist, painter, and performance artist. She lives and works in New York and in London. She takes a multidisciplinary approach to her work, incorporating materials and methods from both contemporary and ancient art forms, linking the present to the past. Her works combine painting, sculpture, performance, and photography.
Constellations IX SE is an offspring of Viktor’s limited series Constellations. Viktor says that she created Constellations to “recreate the dense blackness that holds light, and gold is the best material to show that, because it is its own light source.” Her work also challenges cultural assumptions about the colors black and gold and what they represent. Gold is often associated with light, wealth, status, success, spirituality, and ornamentation, while black is an adjective more often aligned with gloom, dismay, illness, hostility, and evil. According to Viktor, this coding of (or associations with) the color black has “long determined how we as black people … are spoken about and how we are seen.” Constellations invites viewers to wonder what they are thinking about (and why) when they align their beliefs and values with these types of definitions.
Recursos adicionales
Recursos para los profesores:
- Lea un artículo sobre las obras de arte doradas a mano de Viktor.
- Lea una entrevista con el artista.
- Conozca más sobre cómo se fundó el país de Liberia.
Recursos para los estudiantes:
- Cree un proyecto artístico inspirado en la obra de Viktor.
- Conozca algunos datos interesantes sobre la historia de Liberia.