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Museum Park

Choose your own adventure in the Museum Park. Picnic with family and friends. Engage in bird watching on a trail. Walk, bike, or run on the Capital Area Greenway. Enjoy the beauty of native plants and sounds of wildlife in the midst of bustling Raleigh. Discover art, nature, and people through both self-guided and facilitated experiences. Get comfortable, linger, and belong.

Explore featured art, nature, and campus history tours, audio descriptions, GPS navigation of the Museum Park, and more in the NCMA Park App.

Musical Swings by Daily tour les jours

Musical Swings from Montreal-based art and design studio Daily tous les jours is located by the Park Welcome Center.

Find out more information about the Park Welcome Center, parking, transportation, and accessibility.

Explore works in the park by clicking on their location on the map.

100th Anniversary Celebration

On April 4, 2024, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the NC Art Society, the grassroots citizen effort that initiated the call for an art collection to belong to, serve, and represent the people of our state. In honor of that date, we created this video with the help of Two Dots Studio (Aaron Thaddeus), Courtney Napier, and Jaki Shelton Green.

5.000 años de arte. 164 acres de naturaleza. Un lugar para todos. Visite gratuitamente su colección permanente y su parque en el Museo de Arte de Carolina del Norte.