Features: eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows, eyelashes, ears
Material para el profesor:
Images of United States presidents
Material para estudiantes:
9 x 12” drawing paper
chalk pastels
plexiglass mirrors
Actividades de extensión para profesores
- Talk to your students about the presidents of the United States.
- Talk to your students about school portraits and family portraits.
- Look at photos of United States presidents in books or online; notice whether they have long or short hair, beards, mustaches, etc.
- Encourage students to practice drawing portraits in a sketchbook they make. Students can take turns drawing each other.
Actividades de extensión para las familias
- Look at old family portraits and pictures of family members as children. Compare these portraits to how the student’s family members look today by observing eye color, hair color, shape of face, features, etc. What familial features are the most dominant?
Suggested Books for the Classroom Library
Pinkney, Sandra L. Shades of Black: A Celebration of Our Children. Photographs by Myles C. Pinkney. Scholastic, 2000. [ISBN 978-0-439-14892-4]
Smith, Charles R. I Am America. Scholastic, 2003. [ISBN 978-0-439-43179-8]