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Spanish Language VFT Programs, for grades K-12 (Tour Resource)

Spanish Language VFT programs

In this VFT, students explore objects from the NCMA’s permanent collection, using Spanish according to their ability.  Choose from the following programs for either fluent speakers (facilitated completely in Spanish) or for novice to intermediate speakers (facilitated using both English and Spanish.)  Spanish Language programs are available on Wednesdays.


Historias que el arte puede contar sobre Artistas Latinos

para hispanohablantes avanzados en los grados K – 12

Los estudiantes “leerán” obras de arte de artistas Latinoamericanos que se encuentran en  la colección permanente, y cómo cada artista refleja aspectos de su identidad a través de imágenes de lugares y viajes.


Exploring the Art and Language of Hispanic Artists, a bilingual VFT

for novice to intermediate Spanish Language Learners in grades 3 – 12 

In this bilingual program, students will engage with works of art from the permanent collection made by artists whose first language is Spanish.  Novice to intermediate Spanish learners will practice their Spanish speaking to share their observations of the works of art, while being free to express themselves in English as well. 


Pre-Visit Slideshows

The following slideshow contains images from the museum to prepare your students for their VFT.  Questions to guide your students through engagement with the slideshow are located in the speaker notes.  Feel free to customize your questioning to students’ interests, your class goals, and the time you have available to spend.  If anything comes up in conversation with this slideshow that you would like to share with your facilitator, please send an email to at least 2 days before your tour.  We look forward to meeting with you and your students during your VFT!


Pre-Visit Slideshow for Historias que el arte puede contar sobre Artistas Latinos

Click here for your own copy and access to the speaker notes.




Pre-visit Slideshow for Exploring the Art and Language of Hispanic Artists, a bilingual VFT

Click here for your own copy and access to the speaker notes.

Post-Visit Choice Boards for Historias que el arte puede contar sobre Artistas Latinos

New post-visit choice boards contain resources related to your VFT and are organized by age group.  Feel free to use any or all of the resources for teachers or students after your VFT is complete.  Please be sure to preview all resources to select the ones in part or whole that fit your classroom best.

  • Historias que el arte puede contar sobre Artistas Latinos, for grades K-5
  • Historias que el arte puede contar sobre Artistas Latinos, for grades 6-12


Post-Visit Choice Boards for Exploring the Art and Language of Hispanic Artists

New post-visit choice boards contain resources related to your VFT and are organized by age group.  Feel free to use any or all of the resources for teachers or students after your VFT is complete.  Please be sure to preview all resources to select the ones in part or whole that fit your classroom best. 

VFT in action

Virtual Field Trips are FREE, interactive experiences, live with a museum educator