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Compare and Connect: How does place contribute to our identity? (Ready to Go Resource)

Ready-to-go resources are short, flexible learning activities that center art as texts. In “Compare and Connect” students use a guiding question to compare works of art within the context of a shared theme and produce brief writing examples. The activities are presented in google slide decks with teaching notes to make classroom implementation easy.

Hayv Kahraman's Kawliya 1 and Simone Leigh's Corrugated.

Guiding Question: How does place contribute to our identity?

Featuring Hayv Kahraman’s Kawliya 1 and Simone Leigh’s Corrugated.

Make your own copy! Check the slide notes for the teacher’s guide.


Total Activity Pacing: 30 minutes across 2 days 

Grade(s): 9-12

Activity Overview:

  • In this Compare and Connect activity, students will compare 2 artworks with multiple cultural influences and discuss the impact of place on identity.
  • In Day One: Discuss, students will learn background image about the artists, discuss the cultural influence in their artworks, and discuss how place has influence their own identity. 
  • In Day Two: Write, students will write a narrative from the point of view of one of the women in the art exploring their relationship to place and identity.