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Compare and Connect: How is your identity different when you are alone? (Ready to Go Resource)

Ready-to-go resources are short, flexible learning activities that center art as texts. In “Compare and Connect” students use a guiding question to compare works of art within the context of a shared theme and produce brief writing examples. The activities are presented in google slide decks with teaching notes to make classroom implementation easy.

Lorna Simpson's Vantage Point and Lalla Essaydi's Silence of Thought #2

Guiding Question: How is your identity different when you are alone?

Featuring Lorna Simpson’s Vantage Point and Lalla Essaydi’s Silence of Thought #2

Make your own copy! Check the slide notes for the teacher’s guide.


Total Activity Pacing: 30 minutes across 2 days

Grade(s): 9-12 

Activity Overview:

  • In this Compare and Connect activity, students will compare 2 self-portrait photographs to consider how our identity may change when we are alone versus when we are with other people.
  • In Day One: Discuss, students will compare 2 photographs, consider how the artists use the elements of art to guide and focus the eye, and discuss how being alone versus being with other people may change or redefine our individual identity.
  • In Day Two: Write, students will write a stream-of-consciousness reflection from the point of view of one of the women in the images. The reflection will compare/contrast how we see ourselves versus how we want others to see us.