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Matrons of the Arts: Learning about Women Artists (Story)

By: Michelle Harrell, NCMA Director of Education

How does your school celebrate National Women’s History Month? Congress declared March as National Women’s History Month in 1987 to celebrate women’s contributions to history, culture, and society.

Early 2017, NCMA launched the Matrons of the Arts initiative, which highlights female-identified artists in both the Museum’s permanent collection and around the world. Inspired in part by the name five women artists challenge put on by the National Museum of Women in the Arts—and playing off the phrase patron of the arts—this campaign seeks to bring the public’s attention to women who have been and continue to be major figures in the world of art.

Explore over twenty women artists with related resources below. 

Women Artists on NCMALearn

For more information about Matrons of the Arts, visit Follow the movement at the NCMA and around the world on social media via #matronsofthearts.